
Contact Information

Christa Schleper


University of Vienna

Christa Schleper is a Professor of Genetics and Microbiology, Head of the Department of Functional and Evolutionary Ecology and leader of the Archaea Ecology and Evolution Group at the University of Vienna, Austria. Her work focuses on the evolution and ecology of Archaea and was instrumental for broadening our understanding of the role of Archaea in moderate ecosystems, in particular through the discovery of ammonia oxidising archaea. She has (co)authored 132 publications in peer-reviewed journals. She has participated and coordinated several EU and national funded projects (most recent: ERC Advanced Grant TACKLE (695192)), is a member of numerous scientific societies (Austrian Academy of Sciences, ASM, VAAM, ISME, EMBO) and has recently received the prestigious Wittgenstein Award from the Austrian Science Fund. 

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